KINGSTON, R.I. – Feb. 9, 2024 – The University welcomed alumnus Matthew Aaron Quainoo ’15, who returned to campus earlier this week to speak about the legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Quainoo, a minister, scholar and frequent speaker on diversity, equity, inclusion and justice, was the keynote speaker for URI’s 2024 MLK Unity Luncheon.
Quainoo urged attendees to use their voice and to remember Dr. King framed by the words of writer and activist James Baldwin, who explained his criticism of America was precisely because of his love for America.
“It is not an expression of hatred of America,” said Quainoo. “It is a deep love for the ideals of what America should be that impels us to lift every voice and sing.”

The full Unity Luncheon can be viewed on the Multicultural Students Services Center YouTube page.